Our pop-up at Square One Food District!

I wasn't sure what to expect when I accepted the offer for a 16-day Square One pop-up. We have done pop-ups before, but oh my, this turned out way different. 

  • We sold 1,000+ madeleines, 900+ cake slices!
  • Our small but mighty team of 3 had 14+ hour workdays every day
  • We served over 1,400 of you

Every time Soft Dough Co. reaches a new milestone, it takes me a while to let it sink in. I think it's because I'm already thinking of what's next and what we could have done better (lots, trust me lol). But as I reflect on these 16 days, I realized how many of you came out to support us. Many visited multiple times, and we also made friends with folks working at the mall!

Here are a few fun highlights: 

  • "Is this a sample? Can I try it?" People kept asking about our days-old display slices (they were actually frozen and coated in hairspray...LOL)
  • "She's famous!" A customer said this about me on his way out, referring to our blogTO feature (I could only hope to be Claire Saffitz one day!)
  • Keeping our enemies close: We were across from Uncle Tetsu, and their staff came over a few times to buy, well, our cheesecake haha 

That's a wrap for now. We're planning a December pop-up, so stay tuned on our Instagram!

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